HackTheBox virtual machines walkthroughs.
![Cover Image for Support - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Support-htb/Support.png)
Support - [HTB]
Support is an easy Windows machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will encounter: anon...

![Cover Image for Outdated - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Outdated-htb/Outdated.png)
Outdated - [HTB]
Outdated is a medium Windows machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will encounter: Fo...

![Cover Image for RedPanda - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/RedPanda-htb/RedPanda.png)
RedPanda - [HTB]
RedPanda is an easy Linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will encounter: Java ...

![Cover Image for Shared - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Shared-htb/Shared.png)
Shared - [HTB]
Shared is a medium Linux machine where the attacker will encounter: domain enumeration, un...

![Cover Image for Trick - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Trick-htb/Trick.png)
Trick - [HTB]
Faculty is a easy linux machine where the attacker will ecnounter: DNS service enumeration...

![Cover Image for Faculty - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Faculty-htb/Faculty.png)
Faculty - [HTB]
Faculty is a medium linux machine where the attacker will have to: exploit a simple SQLi, ...

![Cover Image for OpenSource - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/OpenSource-htb/OpenSource.png)
OpenSource - [HTB]
OpenSource is an easy Linux machine from HackTheBox where you will encounter: Open source ...

![Cover Image for Scrambled- [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Scrambled-htb/Scrambled.png)
Scrambled- [HTB]
Scrambled is a medium Windows machine from HackTheBox that contains: Kerbrute user enumera...

![Cover Image for StreamIO- [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/StreamIO-htb/StreamIO.png)
StreamIO- [HTB]
StreamIO is a medium Windows machine from HackTheBox that contains: Time-based SQLi, file ...

![Cover Image for Noter - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Noter-htb/Noter.png)
Noter - [HTB]
Noter is a medium Linux machine from HackTheBox that contains: Flask JWT cookies, web user...

![Cover Image for Timelapse - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Timelapse-htb/Timelapse.png)
Timelapse - [HTB]
Timelapse is an easy machine from HackTheBox that contains: Winrm certificates, rid-brute ...

![Cover Image for Late - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Late-htb/Late.png)
Late - [HTB]
Late is an easy machine from HackTheBox that contains: web scrapping, SSTI vulnerability,...

![Cover Image for Catch - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Catch-htb/Catch.png)
Catch - [HTB]
Catch is a medium Linux machine from HackTheBox that contains: Android, static analysis, l...

![Cover Image for RouterSpace - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/RouterSpace-htb/RouterSpace.png)
RouterSpace - [HTB]
Router Space is an easy Linux machine from HackTheBox that contains: Android, dynamic anal...

![Cover Image for Undetected - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Undetected-htb/Undetected.png)
Undetected - [HTB]
Undetected medium Linux machine from HackTheBox: Web enumeration, subdomain enumeration, p...

![Cover Image for Paper - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Paper-htb/Paper.png)
Paper - [HTB]
Paper is a pretty easy Linux machine from HackTheBox: Wordpress (CVE-2019-17671), bot, roc...

![Cover Image for Meta - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Meta-htb/Meta.png)
Meta - [HTB]
Meta medium Linux machine from HackTheBox: ExifTool CVE, subdomain enumeration, ImageMagic...

![Cover Image for Timing - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Timing-htb/Timing.png)
Timing - [HTB]
Medium linux machine which explores LFI, code analysis, filter bypass, time base attack, g...

![Cover Image for Pandora - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Pandora-htb/Pandora.png)
Pandora - [HTB]
Pandora is an easy Linux machine from HackTheBox where you will encounter snmp enumeration...

Unicode - [HTB]
Unicode is an medium Linux from HackTheBox where you will deal with: Web page redirects, J...

![Cover Image for Backdoor - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Backdoor-htb/Backdoor.png)
Backdoor - [HTB]
Backdoor is a easy machine from HackTheBox that requires Wordpress enumeration, Path Trave...

![Cover Image for Shibboleth - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Shibboleth-htb/Shibboleth.png)
Shibboleth - [HTB]
Shibboleth medium Linux machine from HackTheBox: UDP, IPMI, Zabbix, MariaDB and CVE-2021-2...

![Cover Image for Secret - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Secret-htb/secret.png)
Secret - [HTB]
Secret easy linux machine from HackTheBox: Code analysis, JWT token, API endpoint, SUID bi...

Devzat - [HTB]
Devzat is a easy-medium machine from HackTheBox that requires folder and subdomain enumera...

![Cover Image for Driver - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Driver-htb/Driver.png)
Driver - [HTB]
Driver easy machine from HackTheBox: crafting shortcuts, NTLM, cracking, PrintNightmare, C...

![Cover Image for Bolt - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Bolt-htb/Bolt.png)
Bolt - [HTB]
Bolt medium machine from HackTheBox: Container analysis, Template Injection, Passwords Rec...

![Cover Image for Horizontall - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Horizontall-htb/Horizontall.png)
Horizontall - [HTB]
Write-up of Horizontall easy Linux machine from HackTheBox: OSCP, Port Forwarding, Laravel...

![Cover Image for Forge - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Forge-htb/Forge.png)
Forge - [HTB]
Write-up of Previse easy Linux machine from HackTheBox: SSRF, SSRF filter bypass, python d...

![Cover Image for Previse - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Previse-htb/Previse.png)
Previse - [HTB]
Previse easy Linux machine from HackTheBox walkthrough: RCE, code analysis, hash cracking,...

![Cover Image for Writer - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Writer-htb/Writer.png)
Writer - [HTB]
Writer is a medium linux machine where the attacker will have to use sqli for becoming Adm...

![Cover Image for Intelligence - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Intelligence-htb/Intelligence.png)
Intelligence - [HTB]
Intelligence is a Windows Active Directory machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will...

![Cover Image for BountyHunter - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/BountyHunter-htb/BountyHunter.png)
BountyHunter - [HTB]
BountyHunter is an easy linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will have to find...

![Cover Image for Dynstr - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Dynstr-htb/Dynstr.png)
Dynstr - [HTB]
Dynstr is a medium linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will have to execute s...

![Cover Image for Monitors - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Monitors-htb/Monitors.png)
Monitors - [HTB]
Monitors is a hard linux OSCP like machine from HackTheBox where you will several web page...

![Cover Image for Cap - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/cap-htb/cap.png)
Cap - [HTB]
Cap is an easy linux machine from HackTheBox where we will have to know the natural numbe...

![Cover Image for Pit - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/PIT-htb/PIT.png)
Pit - [HTB]
PIT is a medium-hard CentOs machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will have to enumer...

![Cover Image for Schooled - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Schooled-htb/Schooled.png)
Schooled - [HTB]
Shcooled is a hard-medium linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will have to ex...

![Cover Image for Knife - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Knife-htb/Knife.png)
Knife - [HTB]
Knife is an easy Linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will obtain a reverse sh...

![Cover Image for Love - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Love-htb/Love.png)
Love - [HTB]
Love is an easy Windows machine from HackTheBox filled with some rabbit holes and some tri...

![Cover Image for Traverxec - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Traverxec-htb/Traverxec.png)
Traverxec - [HTB]
Traverxec is an easy linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will have to exploit...

![Cover Image for TheNotebook - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/TheNotebook-htb/TheNotebook.png)
TheNotebook - [HTB]
Thenotebook is a medium linux machine from HackTheBox where tha attacker will have to modi...

![Cover Image for Shocker - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Shocker-htb/Shocker.png)
Shocker - [HTB]
Shocker is a pretty easy linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will have to exp...

Armageddon - [HTB]
Armageddon is a CentOs easy machine from HackTheBox where you will have to exploit a famou...

![Cover Image for Writeup - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Writeup-htb/Writeup.png)
Writeup - [HTB]
Writeup is an easy Linux machine from Hack The Box where the attacker will have to exploit...

![Cover Image for Bastion - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Bastion-htb/Bastion.png)
Bastion - [HTB]
Bastion is an easy windows machine from Hack The Box where the attacker will have to mount...

![Cover Image for Active - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Active-htb/Active.png)
Active - [HTB]
Active is an easy windows machine from Hack The Box where the attacker will have to dig in...

Atom - [HTB]
Atom is an easy-medium machine where we have to craft a special .yml file in order to bypa...

Ophiuchi - [HTB]
Ophiuchi is a medium Linux machine where the attacker will have to exploit an 'SnakeYaml ...

![Cover Image for Spectra - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Spectra-htb/Spectra.png)
Spectra - [HTB]
Spectra is an easy ChromeOS HackTheBox machine where the attacker will have to explore the...

![Cover Image for Tenet - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Tenet-htb/Tenet.png)
Tenet - [HTB]
Tenet is a easy-medium Linux machine from HackTheBox where the attacker will have to find ...

![Cover Image for ScriptKiddie - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/ScriptKiddie-htb/ScriptKiddie.png)
ScriptKiddie - [HTB]
Script kiddie is an easy Hack The Box Linux machine where the attacker will have to exploi...

![Cover Image for Delivery - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Delivery-htb/Delivery.png)
Delivery - [HTB]
Delivery is a very easy Linux machine from HackTheBox where the hacker will have to find t...

![Cover Image for Ready [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Ready-htb/ready.png)
Ready [HTB]
Ready is a Linux Docker GitLab machine where the attacker will have to exploit a SSRF in o...

Bucket - [HTB]
Bucket is a medium-hard HackTheBox machine where you will have to learn AWS buckets in ord...

![Cover Image for Laboratory - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/laboratory/laboratory.png)
Laboratory - [HTB]
Laboratory is an easy (MEDIUM) linux machine where the attacker will have to exploit Git L...

![Cover Image for Time - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Time-htb/Time.png)
Time - [HTB]
Time is an easy-medium Linux HackTheBox machine where the attacker will have to exploit a ...

![Cover Image for Luanne - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Luanne/Luanne.png)
Luanne - [HTB]
Luanne is an easy Linux HackTheBox machine where the attacker will have to exploit a weath...

![Cover Image for Reel2 - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Reel2.assets/Reel2.png)
Reel2 - [HTB]
Reel2 is a hard Windows HackTheBox machine where the attacker will have to craft some cred...

![Cover Image for Passage - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Passage/Passage.png)
Passage - [HTB]
Passage is a medium linux machine where the attacker will have to deal firstly with Fail2B...

![Cover Image for Academy - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Academy/academy.png)
Academy - [HTB]
Academy is an easy linux machine where the attacker will have to find the way to register ...

![Cover Image for Feline - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Feline/Feline.png)
Feline - [HTB]
Feline is a hard virtual machine which required of a deserialization exploit in order to g...

![Cover Image for Jewel - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Jewel/jewel.png)
Jewel - [HTB]
Jewel is a medium Linux machine where the attacker will have to find information in a web ...

Doctor - [HTB]
Doctor is a HackTheBox easy level machine. First of all, you will have to do some python i...

![Cover Image for Worker - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/Worker/Worker.png)
Worker - [HTB]
Worker is a medium level Windows machine where the attacker first will have to face someth...

Compromised - [HTB]
Compromised is a virtual machine which has been “compromised” by a previous attacker so yo...

![Cover Image for Omni - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/omni/Omni.png)
Omni - [HTB]
Today I bring you omni a weird machine with a special Windows operative system designed fo...

![Cover Image for OpenKeyS [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/openkeys-htb/OpenKeyS.png)
OpenKeyS [HTB]
OpenBSD is an easy-medium Hack The Box machines which requires of an OpenBsd web exploit a...

![Cover Image for Sneaky Mailer - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/sneakyMailer-htb/SneakyMailer.png)
Sneaky Mailer - [HTB]
SneakyMailer is a virtual machine where you have to do a phishing attack in order to get s...

![Cover Image for Buff - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/buff-htb/Buff.png)
Buff - [HTB]
Buff es una máquina Windows de 64 bits, que su solución se basa en la enumeración y en el ...

![Cover Image for Tabby - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/tabby-htb/Tabby.png)
Tabby - [HTB]
Tabby is a virtual machine where the hacker will require to exploit a Directory Path Trave...

![Cover Image for Blunder - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/blunder-htb/Blunder.png)
Blunder - [HTB]
Blunder is an easy virtual machine based in the use of gathering information and a bad pas...

Cache - [HTB]
Write-up about Help HTB virtual machine

![Cover Image for OpenAdmin - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/openadmin-htb/OpenAdmin.png)
OpenAdmin - [HTB]
Hoy os traigo una máquina de HackTheBox la cual tienes que explotar una vulnerabilidad sob...

![Cover Image for Netom - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/netmon-htb/Netmon.png)
Netom - [HTB]
Write-up about Netmon HTB virtual machine

![Cover Image for Irked - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/irked-htb/Irked.png)
Irked - [HTB]
Write-up about Irked HTB virtual machine

![Cover Image for Help - [HTB]](/assets/images/blog/help-htb/Help.png)
Help - [HTB]
Write-up about Help HTB virtual machine