Worker - [HTB]

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Table of Contents


    Worker is a medium level Windows machine where the attacker first will have to face something similar to git in order to find a new domain, a user and a password. Then, using Azure devops will have to upload a reverse shell with the purpose of finding another user name and password getting the user flag with evil-Winrm. Finally, once again, using Azure devops the attacker will have to configure a pipeline, so at building time Azure will print the root flag.


    As always start scanning all opened ports with nmap.

    kali@kali:$ sudo nmap -sS -p- -T5 --open -n -oN AllPorts.txt
    [sudo] password for kali: 
    Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2020-11-05 17:07 EST
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.043s latency).
    Not shown: 65532 filtered ports
    Some closed ports may be reported as filtered due to --defeat-rst-ratelimit
    80/tcp   open  http
    3690/tcp open  svn
    5985/tcp open  wsman

    Then, I continue with a deeper scan obtaining a bit of information about each service.

    kali@kali:$ sudo nmap -sC -sV -p80,3690,5985 -n -oN PortsInDepth.txt 
    Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2020-11-05 17:14 EST
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.044s latency).
    80/tcp   open  http     Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0
    | http-methods: 
    |_  Potentially risky methods: TRACE
    |_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
    |_http-title: IIS Windows Server
    3690/tcp open  svnserve Subversion
    5985/tcp open  http     Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
    |_http-server-header: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
    |_http-title: Not Found
    Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows
    Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 9.11 seconds

    In port 80 there is a Windows Server web page with just and image (Using gobuster didn't provide much information).


    In the port 3690 there is a service named subversion (a software versioning and revision control system distributed as open source under the Apache License (Is like a GitHub Repository)), where we can retrieve a lot of information using subversion-cli tool and its specials syntax.

    Let's First gathere some information like the repository like its author, the number of changes, its root repository ...

    kali@kali:$ svn info svn://worker.htb
    Path: .
    URL: svn://worker.htb
    Relative URL: ^/
    Repository Root: svn://worker.htb
    Repository UUID: 2fc74c5a-bc59-0744-a2cd-8b7d1d07c9a1
    Revision: 5
    Node Kind: directory
    Last Changed Author: nathen
    Last Changed Rev: 5
    Last Changed Date: 2020-06-20 09:52:00 -0400 (Sat, 20 Jun 2020)

    Secondly, which files are stored in the repository.

    kali@kali:$ svn list svn://worker.htb

    We can download them with the following commands.

    kali@kali:$ svn export svn://worker.htb/moved.txt
    kali@kali:$ svn export svn://worker.htb/dimension.worker.htb/ 

    In the movedt.txt file there is a new domain, where we can dig deeper in order to find more information.

    kali@kali:/mnt/hgfs/2_MisPostsBlog/HTB/Worker$ cat moved.txt 
    This repository has been migrated and will no longer be maintaned here.
    You can find the latest version at: http://devops.worker.htb
    The Worker team :)

    However, in order to get access we need to provide some credentials, but we don't have any.


    Inside the "dimension.worker.htb/index.html" we can find several domains. However, adding theme to the "/etc/hosts" file doesn't doesn't seem to be useful for now.


    Looking into the different "revisions" there is a PowerShell file named "deploy.ps1", where we can find a user name and a password.

    kali@kali:$ svn checkout -r 2 svn://worker.htb
    kali@kali:$ svn list -r 2 svn://worker.htb
    kali@kali:$ cat deploy.ps1 
    $user = "nathen" 
    $plain = "wendel98"
    $pwd = ($plain | ConvertTo-SecureString)
    $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $user, $pwd
    $args = "Copy-Site.ps1"
    Start-Process powershell.exe -Credential $Credential -ArgumentList ("-file $args")

    This credential is being used to access to the devops domain, where there is an Azure DevOps page (Azure DevOps is a Microsoft product that provides version control of files like Git). Inside the web page, we can see a repository about a "Smart hotel".



    The files inside the repository are the same as the ones that we can find for the web http://spectral.worker.htb/.


    So, we could upload a web reverse shell for windows server so we can get access to the server internals. However, we can not upload a shell directly to the repository, we need to do a pull request.


    Furthermore, we can not create a branch followed by a pull request because the request will never be completed because we don't have any work items linked.


    Finally, in order to upload a reverse shell we need to go to the "Boards" section clicking in one of the Work items.


    Then, we need to click on the 3 dots, clicking on new branch.


    The appearing pop up should looks like this (Obviously, without the word exploit :V ).


    Once, our shell has been uploaded to the repository, we can create a pull request.


    Click on "Create" and finally on "Complete" and our shell will be uploaded.


    Now, we can create a listening port and when we access to http://spectral.worker.htb/rshell.aspx, we retrieve our reverse shell. However, you won't find anything useful on the C: drive, that is because this machine is composed with another hard drive.

    c:\inetpub\wwwroot>fsutil fsinfo drives
    Drives: C:\ W:\
    c:\inetpub\wwwroot>cd /D W:\

    Inside W:\ there is a file named passwd with a lot of users and passwords.

    W:\svnrepos\www\conf>cat passwd
    cat passwd
    ### This file is an example password file for svnserve.
    ### Its format is similar to that of svnserve.conf. As shown in the
    ### example below it contains one section labelled [users].
    ### The name and password for each user follow, one account per line.
    nathen = wendel98
    nichin = fqerfqerf
    nichin = asifhiefh
    noahip = player
    nuahip = wkjdnw
    oakhol = bxwdjhcue
    owehol = supersecret
    paihol = painfulcode
    parhol = gitcommit
    pathop = iliketomoveit
    pauhor = nowayjose
    payhos = icanjive
    perhou = elvisisalive
    peyhou = ineedvacation
    phihou = pokemon
    quehub = pickme
    quihud = kindasecure
    rachul = guesswho
    raehun = idontknow
    ramhun = thisis
    ranhut = getting
    rebhyd = rediculous
    reeinc = iagree
    reeing = tosomepoint
    reiing = isthisenough
    renipr = dummy
    rhiire = users
    riairv = canyou
    ricisa = seewhich
    robish = onesare
    robisl = wolves11
    robive = andwhich
    ronkay = onesare
    rubkei = the
    rupkel = sheeps
    ryakel = imtired
    sabken = drjones
    samken = aqua
    sapket = hamburger
    sarkil = friday

    Between all of them, the one below works for accessing to the system using the winrm service (5985)


    For that we can use evil-winrm as you can see with the following command.

    kali@kali:~/Downloads/evil-winrm-2.3$ evil-winrm -i worker.htb -u robisl -p wolves11
    Evil-WinRM shell v2.3
    Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint
    *Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\robisl\Documents> cat ..\Desktop\user.txt

    Furthermore, this credential can be used to get access to the Azure DevOps web page. Finding a new repository.


    Privilege escalation

    Because we have access to the repository, we can use the Azure Pipelines to execute code on the windows machine that will be executed once our pull request has been accepted. So in order to get our root flag, we need to access to the repository, press "Pipelines" and then "New pipeline".


    After that, click on "Azure Repos Git" as our platform for the repository.


    Select the repository "PartsUnlimited".


    Click on "ASP.NET Core" for building and testing ASP.NET Core projects.


    Modify the "azyre-pipelines.yml" file so during building time will be executed.

    Note: Don't forget to remove the line pool: 'Default'


    Then, click in the "Save and run" button and wait to pipeline to finish.


    Finally, click on "dotnet build release" so you will see the root flag.
